

morgen um 10Uhr

am 23.6.1999

morgen abends

yesterday evening

am 17.01.2014 abends

am sechsten Juni (not supported now)

i was in Berlin one month ago

i was in Berlin five days ago

i go to Munich in two weeks

you where in london for four days

it will be ready in 2 months

it will be ready in 23 weeks from now

this is a text without time informations
(contain no date/time info)

in zehn Tagen

vor einer Woche

Hier steht keine Zeitangabe
(contain no date/time info)

the $event is in a few days

2012-11-31 13:37:00

2012-07-13 13:37:00

2013-07-13 13:37:00

2014-07-13 13:37:00




30.01.2013 13:37:59

2013-01-29 13:37:59

übermorgen um 16 Uhr

yesterday 10 o'clock

4th of July

em poucos dias

próxima semana


de ontem dez horas

Eu estava em Berlim há cinco dias

Je suis à la maison demain

Il ya deux mois, j'ai eu un anniversaire

le 6 Juin à 12 horloge

la nuit dernière

elle sera prête en 23 semaines à compter de maintenant

je vais à Munich dans deux semaines